

Hi Everyone:<br />
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I have a web site and would like to send out HTML newsletters.<br />
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Do I need a HTML Email editor? Will Front Page write it for me.<br />
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Will Outlook Express write it?<br />
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I need the mechanics. How do I write a HTML newsletter?<br />
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Any help appreciated.<br />
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Thanks;<br />
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PilotN4964G<!--content-->Do you want people to automatically sign up for this or do you want to just add people manually to an address book and email it to them. If you just want to send email out to people in html format outlook express, outlook, mozilla mail, etc can do it. Just change the format from txt to html. It should options or tools depending on what you use.<!--content-->PeOfEo:<br />
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Thanks for your help.<br />
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Got it figured out.<br />
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