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I am trying to validate email address before posting a form using the RegularExpressionValidator in asp.net (vb). I use this...<BR><BR>ValidationExpression="[w.-]+(+[w-]*)?@([w-]+.)+[w-]+"<BR><BR>...as that was the code I found somewhere to do it. Seems to work great except on MAC OS with IE (IE 5 at least...or is it 5.5...whatever the latest IE for MAC is).<BR><BR>On the Mac it will work for most email addresses but when I enter one with _ in it the validator kicks in and displays my error.<BR><BR>Example of one that does this on a Mac...<BR><BR>[email protected]<BR><BR>...it will display the "bad format" error I have setup....yet it will still post it just fine. As soon as you tab off the box the error comes up.<BR><BR>I just want simple validation, something that will check for [email protected] and that's it. What is the simplest expression to use for this?I just found out that the problem is not the _ character like I thought. It is the part after the @ symbol. If I do..<BR><BR>[email protected]<BR><BR>...I am fine. But...<BR><BR>[email protected]<BR><BR>....is not good and throws up the invalid format.