email the web page link


Does anyone know how to put a link in a web page that emails that web page to someone?<!--content-->If your server has PHP, it is quite easy. If it does, let me know and I'll get you a script...<!--content-->It is !<!--content-->This should do the trick for you, then.<!--content-->many thanks - I've had look at it in golive but I've never used php before!<br />
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Do I put the php files in the cgi bin?<br />
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I don't suppose u could run me through it?<br />
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Also if I have more than one page i want available to send do I duplicate the php files?<br />
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hope u can help.:confused:<!--content-->No, you don't have to duplicate the PHP files, they automatically check which page you clicked from. Also, you can upload the PHP files anywhere, no need to upload to the CGI bin. Then link to it like this on all your pages.<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> me know if you need more help.<!--content-->thats one cool php thang you sent me - thanks a lot for your help!<br />
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fantastic.<br />
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i bet theres loads of stuff you can do eh<!--content-->Originally posted by duffloop <br />
i bet theres loads of stuff you can do eh With PHP? Yes, it is very powerful...<!--content-->It's me again - I don't suppose you have or know where I can get a php script that would do a form and that allows you to attach word docs?<!--content-->I haven't personally made any form handlers, but you may be able to find one to suit your needs here... <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""> ... rocessing/</a><!-- m --><!--content-->cheers!<!--content-->