Email reminder for inactive users v1.11


New Member
Email reminder for inactive users v1.11

If a user has not posted in x number of days, a HTML email will be sent out with a custom message.

Ive updated the mod so all the settings are editable in the AdminCP

Instructions are included.

I must insist that anyone pre 1.0.5 upgrades asap.

Update 1.1.1

* Edited default templates
* Added daily report

Update 1.1.0

* Changed the way that emails are sent out by adding the emails to vbulletin's mail queue
* Default cron settings now changed to once per day

To upgrade you need to overwrite the remindermail.php file in the cron directory, and ideally import the product again. The new code will work with the old product file, however I have removed one of the settings in the options as it was no longer needed. as i say it will still run with this there but the quantity setting is now no longer used.

Update 1.0.9

* Cron Log Now Working.
Update by uploading remindermail.php

Update 1.0.8

* Updated code to to exclude users who have chose not to receive admin emails.
Upgrade by uploading PHP file only.

Thanks to djbaxter for help with this.

Update 1.0.7

* Fixed "Sending to new users" bug
* Amended installation code

Update 1.0.6 (14/02/07)

* Added option to turn plugin on or off
* Added option to specify inactivity triggered by lastpost or lastactivity
* Added options to show credit to author or not. (due to some ungrateful, complaining bum squirts that have not made the effort to learn to code themselves and lean on others to make plugins for them)

Uninstall / Reinstall w/ overwrite.

Please note - This plugin adds a link in your footer, however it can be disabled via the AdminCP
