How would I go about replacing CRLF in the textarea message body of an e-mail form so that it displays correctly in an e-mail message.
When I use the return key in the textarea box, the message is recieved by my email as one long-winded paragraph. This post would not be two paragraphs, but one long one.OK, to expand on that... nl2br() works for a content-type of text/html. What about plain text e-mail?it should jus twork correctly in regualt text email. because when you do a return in a textbox it outputs a \r so that carries over to the emial. well it should. I have never had a problem.I was having similar problem and used this:
<textarea name="thename" wrap="hard"></textarea>
wrap="hard" tag, says the browser to submit the text as it was typed. So the CRLF are submited.
When I use the return key in the textarea box, the message is recieved by my email as one long-winded paragraph. This post would not be two paragraphs, but one long one.OK, to expand on that... nl2br() works for a content-type of text/html. What about plain text e-mail?it should jus twork correctly in regualt text email. because when you do a return in a textbox it outputs a \r so that carries over to the emial. well it should. I have never had a problem.I was having similar problem and used this:
<textarea name="thename" wrap="hard"></textarea>
wrap="hard" tag, says the browser to submit the text as it was typed. So the CRLF are submited.