Email html thing - please help...


I'm very new to this whole web-design/html thing. I'm a graphic designer and have been asked by a client to convert an advert i have done for them into an emailable form of itself. This appears very simple and straightforward given the simplicity of the design, but i really have no idea where to start. I have been told i can Download <!--more--> templates etc. that will allow me to slot in the relevant text/images, but is it as simple as that? I have access to Front Page and Dreamweaver. Any advice would be much appreciated. Thanks in advance...<!--content-->Hi,<br />
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Is this advertisement in an image format? Or is there also text apart from the image?<br />
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If it's in an image format, then use a program like Image Ready and cut up the image into smaller images. This program also lets you play with resolution/quality issues for the end result, plus it writes the code for you. Then you just have to drop it into an email and send away.<br />
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However, I think you may be in reference to a more involved type of email, such as a newsletter.<br />
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Can you explain it a little bit more?<br />
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Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content-->Well, it's a rather simple layout. There's the company logo at the top, and below that a curved section with images contained within it, and then below that is a load of text. Then at the bottom is a coloured section with a few more of the company details and the logo again. The section with the text in it has some curved lines running across it which the text will go over. <br />
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I wouldn't say it was a news letter, as that implies the info needs to be separated. It is more of a general info thing, informing what the company is about, what they do etc. All to be laid out in one section with sub headings.<br />
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Hope that explains things a bit better.<!--content-->When creating e-zines, I simply create the look first as an HTML web page, upload it to a server and then simply insert the code into an HTML e-mail and send.<br />
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So if you can create a web page then you're pretty much set. After that you'd just need to try out a couple e-mail sends to make sure you are sending the email in the correct format.<br />
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Does that help or am I lost at what you're trying to ask?<br />
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Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content-->Sounds easy enough, but i'm a complete novice at this. I've not done anything in HTML before so don't know where to start. I'm pretty sure this is a straightforward enough job, i've just not done anything like it before.<br />
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You say "if you can create a web page..." - well, i can't. I'd heard there were templates or something i could use to just put things together, but my lack of experience may not even make this that straightforward...<!--content-->Check out, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> but keep in mind that you'll want the e-mail width to be less than 800 pixels but preferably ( according to me :P ) 600px. This allows the viewer to keep from scrolling horizontally. E-mail clients, whether they are programs such as Outlook Express or Yahoo! Mail ahve menu on the side which take up monitor space, thus the reason I stick with 600px wide e-mail formats. <br />
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The templates there at A+ Templates may be too wide/large for what you're wanting, but it's a decent link to be added to you resource link library.<br />
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If I run across any other sites, I'll drop another reply.<br />
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Gandalf<br />
:D<!--content-->Thanks very much. I'll see what i can do with the templates on that site.<!--content-->i would also check out <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><br />
and <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --> , they are free and also have some very good, if not wuite as proffessional, templates.<!--content-->