Email HTML/ASP Help


Just wondering if there is a way I can create a TEXT field within a form that would ask for an email address and when the user hits the SEND button it would put that email address with the addresses specified within my ASP script?<br />
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Any help would be appreciated!<br />
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Thanks.<br />
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(I have posted this int he ASP forum too.)<!--content-->I am sure it would have been responded in ASP forum,<br />
What you have asked(it sounds like from your question) is the default behavior of a from submittion,any fields that are in a form will be in HTTP request object and you can get values for each form field by name in asp using<br />
request.getParameter("field Name")<!--content-->Yes CDONTS can e-mail to something like Request.Form("MyEmailField") and <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- w --> has a good Samples section which describes how to e-mail from a Web page in ASP.<!--content-->Thanks guys,<br />
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I really know nothing about ASP, I just put together a small script that works to post stuff to an email with pre-determined email addresses. Where would I put the code you guys have provided in my ASP coding?<br />
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Thanks again.<!--content--> has a good example.<br />
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And the line that says:<br />
strTo = Request.Form("to")<br />
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Is similar to the line where I assumed the name of the e-mail address field was MyEmailField instead of being called To.<br />
strTo = Request.Form("MyEmailField")<!--content-->