Email Form


Firstly let me say that I don't know whether or not this can be done, also I have little or no knowledge of any back end languages.<br />
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We would like to send out a questionnaire to clients in an email message, initially we were going to use word, however the file is too large and some clients may not use it. So I wondered if it was possible to incorporate a form into an email message (radio buttons, check boxes etc.), mail it to the clients, let them check the boxes and return it - without having to script any of the results. We would receive the completed HTML form and process the results ourselves.<br />
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I know how to write a form, if this is possible how do you put it into an email message,<br />
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thanks!<!--content-->one problem - - some people cannot receieve html emails<br />
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could you make a page that you want to send as an email as a webpage?<!--content-->I don't want to use a web page as then I'd need to script it and I've no idea how to do this! <br />
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All the people that we want to send the form to have outlook (so I'm told!).<br />
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This is why I wanted a basic form that they could just check the boxes and click reply - I hoped that would work!<br />
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Ta<!--content-->i got outlook express but i cant seem to get html to work in it i sent my self a couple of html emails and they didnt work just displayed the coding<!--content-->Why not make an html page and then send the user an email in html format with an <iframe> This way the form will open in the iframe and not take up as much space.<!--content-->he doesnt know how to make a html page<!--content-->how is he going to make a form without one then? For heavens sake, someone get this man a form tutorial. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href=""></a><!-- m --><!--content-->First of all you might not want to use an email form because even though most people have outlook that does not mean their isp allows HTML. <br />
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The best way to solve this problem would be to make a page in your current website and send a link to these people through email and have them go to the site and then submit the form. If you do not know how to do this, you can find helpful information on a couple of sites listed below. Also, if you have admin rights on your cpanel for your webpage then you can go their and find a cgi bin which is most common for forms. Although it is not always required it makes for a smoother email. If you do not want to learn the programming for the forms you can also check out this site. You can build a form exact how you want it and it provides the snippet for you. I know it is cheating but so people just don't want to type.<br />
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Check out all of these sites. They will help you find the best possible solution. But I would not send an email form.<br />
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Jason<!--content-->I've tried to write an HTML form (I do know how to write a web page!) and mail it in HTML format. I'm using Outlook and despite selecting Actions>Create Mail Using>HTML, it just shows the code for the form!<br />
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I've thought about a lot of the posts here and am going to investigate the possibility of putting an email link to our website (hosted by a company who may not let me have the accesss to do this!)<br />
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Thanks again!<!--content-->Just make a whole webpage in html with a form on it, instead of just putting loose form code in an html email, then when you send the emails just use the iframe with the form page in it or email a link to the form.<!--content-->