ElseIF statment in classic ASP (VBScript)


New Member
This is probably really simple but I have hardly any experience with classic ASP Syntax. Basically I have login statement. Shown below:\[code\]<%if session("AccountID") = "0" or session("AccountID")="" then%> <% If request.form("SmPress") = "Pressed" Then dim SQLVerifyEmail SQLVerifyEmail = "SELECT * FROM Users WHERE UserName= '"&killchars(request.form("UserName"))&"' and Password = '"&killchars(request.form("Password"))&"' AND Status = 'A' AND Deleted = 'no' " set RSVerifyEmail = MyConn.execute(SQLVerifyEmail) If RSVerifyEmail.EOF Then response.write ("<span class=loginerror>Incorrect login details.</span><br>") Else LastLogin2 = "UPDATE Users SET LastLogin = Convert(datetime,'"&now()&"',103) WHERE AccountID = '"&RSVerifyEmail("AccountID")&"' " MyConn.execute(LastLogin2) session("admin") = RSVerifyEmail("admin") session("AccountID") = RSVerifyEmail("AccountID") response.redirect "profile.asp" End if End if %>\[/code\]All I want to do is split it, so that if the session = admin it redirects to profile.asp, but if it is equal to an account ID then redirect to profile-user.asp. I tried the following but it through loads of errors:\[code\]ElseIF LastLogin2 = "UPDATE Users SET LastLogin = Convert(datetime,'"&now()&"',103) WHERE AccountID = '"&RSVerifyEmail("AccountID")&"' " MyConn.execute(LastLogin2) session("admin") = RSVerifyEmail("admin") Then response.redirect "profile.asp" Else session("AccountID") = RSVerifyEmail("AccountID") response.redirect "profile-user.asp" End if End if %>\[/code\]Can someone suggest where I am going wrong?