Eliminating extra window that comes up in my href


Staff member
This brings up outlook mail in IE:<br />
<a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"outlook:inbox>outlook mail</a><br />
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But on my Active Desktop web page it brings up mail and another IE blank page (with Address/url of "outlook:inbox"). I need it to just bring up mail as it is doing and eliminate the blank page that comes up. So it should just bring up OUtlook mail and nothing else. Any suggestions?<!--content-->sorry i'm not actually answering your question, but i like what that does. is there any way you can stop it from opening another instance of outlook? ie if you have outlook open already, then can you make it open the inbox in that outlook? I ask 'cos it would be handy to be able to bring up calendar etc without it starting a new version of outlook each time.<br />
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Also, are their similar codes to open word or excel? like <a href=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"word:new"><br />
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Scurrying off to try it now but not too hopeful...<!--content-->