EDU blog websites


New Member
I have been looking for blog sites that end in .edu
Anyone know of any good one? Sorry, but I try and can only find 1 you have to go simply write .edu in the box.I think you will get your desired blog. I believe you mean site:edu Thanks, I hope I have better luck now I use the following search term :

blogs "YourNicheKeyword"

You can also search for forums and guestbooks!

Hope this helps you! Yes that works good, thanks.
I have been looking for edu blog site for long time, can't believe it so easy. You need to search for a do follow .edu blog. If it's no follow then you don't get any link juice. Quote: Originally Posted by drmike This technique is really effective in finding .edu blogs but most of the sites are nofollow. Is there a technique that can find dofollow .edu sites? Oneday when I am not busy, I will go through 50 of them and see which one have dofollow Combining using seo4firefox add-on and