Editing In Front Page: WTF?!?!


...so I'm editing a page for my website in Microsoft Front Page, and I preview it. I notice the background is in white instead of the salmon color I coded in. I go back to the HTML code and I discover (after about ten minutes of searching) that the "body" and "html" end tags are missing! "No problem," I say to myself, and I put the tags back in. Then when I save the file, Front Page AUTOMATICALLY REMOVES THE TAGS! It happens every time I do this.<br />
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Why the hell does Front Page do that, and how do I get it to stop?<!--content-->I'm not a big FP fan, but it usually doesn't remove body and html tags as far as I know. Can you put this page someplace where we can see it, or post the code for it?<!--content-->like most i too dislike FP. 98 more than 2000. (this sounds like a 98 problem. what you can do is Download <!--more--> a program like CuteHTML or Firstpage, which both leave the code you add alone! after adding the ending </body> & </html> tags, upload the saved file to your server via ftp, or with your FP program ONLY as an IMPORT! do not open the file and then try to save it to your server or the removal effect will likely happen again.<br />
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then again, there is always Wordpad and NotePad<br />
chris<pixelmonkey>:monkey:<!--content-->Please upload the file so we can see.<br />
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My guess is that you're trying to insert a tag into the header or body tag, and FP removes the body and header tags, instead of telling you about the misplaced tag. <br />
Try inserting <header></header><body> right after the <html> tag. Then go from there, adding elements to the tags.<br />
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-aslefo<!--content-->Does "WTF" mean "What The FrontPage"?<!--content-->Thanks for the advice. Looks like I may have solved the problem by saving another file into the one that gave me the problem, then editing accordingly. Strangest thing I'd ever seen...<br />
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BTW, correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't the code supposed to go inside the <body></body> tags, like so?:<br />
<br />
<html><br />
<br />
<header></header><br />
<br />
<title></title><br />
<br />
<body [attributes]><br />
statement 1<br />
statement 2<br />
...<br />
statement n<br />
</body><br />
<br />
</html><br />
<br />
Kevin, I don't want to extrapolate "WTF", lest you kick me off these boards... ;)<!--content-->Almost. <br />
<html><br />
<head><br />
<title></title><br />
</head><br />
<body><br />
all the visible content<br />
</body><br />