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My website has automatic email to users and there is some dynamic fields in email text. I mean, it automatically extract name family and prefix of each user and send it them.for example:dear prefix name family: -> dear Dr John Smith: you account is active.Now i want to add the capability of editing this email context to admin part. The problem is some fields are dynamic. my code is like this:\[code\] bodyMsg.Append( " Dear "+prefix+name+family+", thank you for accepting our request.Your username is your email and here is your Password :" + password);\[/code\]As you see, name, family, prefix and password are dynamically change. Now admin needs to edit email context. He should do that from his control panel in a Rad Editor. For example change the place of name or family in email context.What i need is when admin used key words such as prefix, name or family the system detect the dynamic fields. and the email edited with dynamic fields place.can any body help me?thanks