ecommerce: is there such a door in internet?


New Member
Hi, Dear friends, first thank you if you can read this long topic, it talks a interesting question which puzzle me long time. I run a e-commerce shopping site for 1 years, and one problem puzzle me from begining. I found it is very interesting that the order come from same time (or very closed days), and after this, for another long time, none of order cames..... For example, I have received 5 continues order (from 5 different buyer for different products) at the continuously three days, and for next 10 or 20 days, none of order came.... It is very stranged to me, I checked the page view number, but the page view is not obviously changed for the whole month, it keeps at 150~200. And checked other factor is also no change, such as google indexed page.So it is like a door put somewhere to separate the order, if the door open a aperture, the order rushed in; and the door closed immediately, so none of order cames........Anyone who have same problems? or any comments are strongly welcome . Many thanks in advance.Ryan.Mate, im having trouble understaing the question my friend.Can you post up a link to your site so we can check it out, we will be able to find any errors if there are any.Continue with the promoting of your site.thanks, Steven and Zhaira, but I still did not feel clear with the strange situation i faced, is there such a door?sunraise2005 happpens time to time and there are factors behind it like season or occassion etc.coolslko wrote: