eclipse rcp change icon for xml configuration file


New Member
I built an Eclipse RCP application that uses the \[code\]configuration.xml\[/code\] in the root of the project for some project configurations. I would like to customize the icon and keep default xml editor. I found one blog post, that does exactly what I'm looking for a \[code\]property\[/code\] file. I extracted it:\[code\]<extension point="org.eclipse.core.contenttype.contentTypes"> <content-type base-type="" file-extensions="config" id="in.cypal.eclipse.myConfig" name="My Config File" priority="normal"> </content-type></extension><extension point="org.eclipse.ui.editors"> <editor class="org.eclipse.jdt.internal.ui.propertiesfileeditor.PropertiesFileEditor" default="false" extensions="config" icon="icons/sample.gif" id="in.cypal.eclipse.editors.myConfigEditor" name="My Config Editor"> <contentTypeBinding contentTypeId="in.cypal.eclipse.myConfig"> </contentTypeBinding> </editor></extension>\[/code\]I guess that I basically need to adjust the attribute \[code\]class\[/code\] of the \[code\]editor\[/code\] element to the implementation of the xml editor in Eclipse. I installed the \[code\]\[/code\]. I'm not able to find the right implementation. Please help :) Thank you!