Eclipse android configuration issue


New Member
I've been setting up my Android SDK and ADT Plugin in Eclipse this morning and my first couple of tests when building an android app have worked fine.However now I'm starting to get a pop-up everytime I click on something saying 'AN ERROR HAS OCCURED - JAVA.NULLPOINTER.EXCEPTION'.I understand a nullpointer exception in Java is when something has been created but I haven't even typed in any code yet its just a standard mainactivity class created by the app creation wizard when you click new project.The problems started when I ran the program and it seemed to have had an issue with 'sctivity_mainlayout.out.xml' or whatever its called. Anyone got any ideas as to why this happening it was working before and I haven't begun to code my application. Few details:Eclipse using the Android ADT Plugin and Android SDK with an Android Virtual Device for testing.Thanks guys.P.s. I deleted the project in windows explorer and in Eclipse so got rid of it completely and any new project now is producing the same pop-up error.