easy way to update my site? HELP!


I need your help everyone<br />
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I need an easy way to update my site like <br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisisanfield.com">http://www.thisisanfield.com</a><!-- m --> <br />
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how do i do this? should i use CCS instead of HTML or not I'm confused and i need your help<br />
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Cheers<br />
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HG<!--content-->By easy way to update your site, do you mean that the index page will always show the latest updates (most recently added pages ?)<br />
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The particular site uses a server side techology called server side includes. It allows you to include data dynamically as the page loads on the server.<br />
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If you do not have access to server side scripting it is hard to 'automate' the process, but you could of couse do it by amending your home page (index.html) manually every time. <br />
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HMTL/CSS are just different ways to display text/colors/shapes on the page and has nothing to do with capturing server information. HTML/CSS are client side layout methods and wont help you with your specific request.<br />
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If you have a webhost which provide access to server side scripting then you use those, but otherwise the easiest is to do it manually.<!--content-->ok thanks<!--content-->The *easiest* way to do this is using ASP. You need a host that supports asp, and then you just need to create a database and store all your stories in that database. Then you can put an asp statement on the relevent pages of your site telling it to look up the latest 10 entries in the database and display them on the homepage. Not really HTML I know, but once implemented completely automatic (apart from the creation of articles). drop me an email, <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --> if you want more advice on doing this.<!--content-->SSI (server side includes) are definitely NOT dynamic though. They just provide you with a way of easily changing a section of the site, navigation for example, from one file. Still static media though and very time consuming, especially if you plan to upload more than 2 or 3 files a day.<!--content-->and for my third reply!<br />
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<!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thisisanfield.com">www.thisisanfield.com</a><!-- w --> will use a content management system. you will have an editing window to write an article in, and when you submit it ASP will take over and create an shtml file (has to be shtml in order for include files to work) that contains the article and the rest of the page formatting. hence all articles are called 00001 00002 etc etc. that number is the database id they were given. Its more complicated than that, but you get the general idea.<!--content-->ok thanks i'll e-mail you about it for more help, but thanks for your elp so far :)<!--content-->