easy question about frames


How do i make it so that when a link is clicked the page shows up on the bottom of my page and not the top? If someone could please help me out that would be great thanks.<!--content-->Just name your frames in your frameset, then target the link as an attribute and tell it where you want it to open:<br />
<br />
Named Frames<br />
<FRAMESET ROWS="*,28" BORDER=0><FRAME SRC=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/top.html name="top" SCROLLING=YES NORESIZE><FRAME SRC="bottom.html" name="bottom" SCROLLING="NO" NORESIZE></FRAMESET><br />
<br />
Targeted Link<br />
<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"http://www.123webamster.com" target="bottom">123webmaster.com is the coolest site that I've ever seen, and I am going to run out and tell all of my friends about it. You can visit it by clicking this link, it will open up in the bottom frame. Make sure you click on some banners while you are there, and maybe sign up for the Moreover Newsfeed</a><!--content-->