Easter eggs (how to put one on a html page)


Okay so... i would need some help knowing where can i learn how to make easter eggs... for now my knowledge is HTML not less, not more... i don't know vbs, java etc... <br />
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I need to know if there is a command so that when peaple travel theyr mouse over the hidden image on my website that the cursor not change (it change into a ugly hand... that tell that there is a link on this jpeg) and too... if i would be able to make them obligated to hold some key before clicking... would be really cool if it work :P<!--content-->what are easter eggs? Your trying to make an easter egg hunt? Just put a div on the page, and then on mouse over set the cursor url to something else. It would involve css.<!--content-->He's talking about some hidden, often goofy thing that happens if you press a certain key combination. Like in Quark Express, you select a text box (or any other object) and delete it by doing Option + Apple + Shift + K on the keyboard, a little alien comes out and zaps the item away, instead of simply making the item disappear. There's one in Photoshop too. I think (on a Mac) if you Click on Apple > About Photoshop (or Help > About Photoshop for Mac OSX) while holding down the shift or apple key, the splash screen looks different. I don't remember off hand.<br />
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But, yes. You can create easter eggs on web pages. You'll need to use a combination of HTML, cascading style sheets, and javascript. DHTML basically.<!--content-->hmmm well... now that i know we can do it... i would need some lessons on how to... do you know any website or something that could tell me how?<!--content-->