Easily? display a directory structure and files with in it


Hope you can help me because I have no clue what I am doing.<br />
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I would like to be really really lazy and have a script that references a network drive / directory structure for my intranet. Uses the directory structure on the drive / directory for the links and displays the pdf / icon for pdf in each of the directories. The directory structure is static data so I could write the html as seperate pages but I really like the script displaying all the directories at once and allowing a drill down in the same page. Once at the PDF's it displays the name and an icon which you can click which in turn displays the PDF in a frame or new window.<br />
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I have a massive amount of data I need to display on a web page, we are a manufacturing company and we report manufacturing figures on a Daily, Weekley, Monthly, Quartely, Annual, Fiscal and KPI basis. There are directories for each business area. I really dont want to create all these links by hand and my web authoring skills are very low.<br />
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Generally all I need to do is similar type to the following directory structures<br />
Manufacturing >> Print >> Daily >> Display icon for PDF's<br />
Manufacturing >> Print >> Weekly >> Display icon for PDF's<br />
Manufacturing >> Made >> Monthly >> Display<br />
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This could very well be rubbish what I am asking for and if so I will keep at manually ammending the pages as we create them. But if you have anything or advice which may help me please can I have it. we end up with so many reports and I want o make it easily avaliable but I am not sure where or how to start.<br />
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Ian<!--content-->http://www.htmlforums.com/showthread.php?s=&threadid=21499<!--content-->Look into PHP and the opendir function! ;)<!--content-->Karinne, Intranets usually don't have php installed. :) and then you would still have to get a pdf gif and program it to dispaly the gif if the extension is pdf. little bit harder.<!--content-->oooops.... should've read the whole thing... :D kinda skipped a few line! :P<!--content-->hehe no probs, :D<!--content-->