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I have a list with values example:123if i click on 1 value i want to run a php script wich updates the value with the last clicked number.i have.\[code\] <a href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15611510/#" onclick="add('<?php echo $subiid ?>'); return false" title="add"><?php echo $subiid ?></a>\[/code\]Where subiid is the value to be postedin my header i have the script :\[code\]<script type="text/javascript">function toevoegenFavo(aid) { alert(aid);}</script>\[/code\]wich shows an alert box with the right value.what i want to do is when i click on the value it wil be posted to a php script, to update the database.can someone plz tell me what is the best way javascript ajax jquery?