Earth4Energy really helps creating electricity at home?


New Member
I have read a lot about earth4energy but i just want to know if i can really create free electricity at home by using this guide. I am planning to buy it and want to know real experience of you guys. Please don't post any affiliated link or your site's link because anybody can go to google and find earth4energy or earth4energy review and can find a lot of reviews.<br />
Looking forward to hear your experiences.<br />
Last week i also bought this guide and it is worth. But i would suggest you to check out earth4energy review from google before buying. I am working on building my own wind mill and believe me it is too exciting. This is great to create your own electricity and that too at your home. I hope you will also find it interesting, in case you are planning to buy.

Update I have finally built my own windmill at my backyard. This is really great. I am operating my Computer from the electricity generated from my own wind mill... I will now work on solar panel. I am impressed with my self that i am generating my own electricity..LOL... thanks to earth4energy
I've researched a lot of windmill plans and Earth4Energy offers very comprehensive, yet doable plans. I highly recommend them. You also get Solar Panel blueprints and a ton of bonuses just for signing up.
I haven't tackled one of the projects yet, but I have seen the Earth4Energy Guide and it looks promising. I don't know if you're going to be able to eliminate your electricity bill, but I think with a combination of wind power and solar power, you could definitely put a dent in it.

There are a number of other alternatives to Earth4Energy popping up as well that can help you get started. One of them is called the Make Natural Power Manual. I guess I can't really give you a recommendation though, because I haven't tried to follow the instructions.