Early problem

I am at the extreme beginning of learning HTML from a book+disk. But already seem to have a simply problem?<br />
When i follow examples in book, by typing code into notepad, and save as .html file.<br />
Then as instructed, open my browser (IE5.5) and try to open said saved file..<br />
But i am getting the same error message all time, "file ***********.html has been disallowed" <br />
from windows..<br />
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any help please ??? :-)<br />
as just on first few pages of book, and failed already, why is my IE not opening files??<br />
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thanks<br />
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lee bennett<!--content-->well leebennet, I was at your stage a few weeks ago. I'm sorry that I can not specifically answer your question (or spell for that matter)... I can suggest that you use a free web sight host, like tripod, here is the link (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://tripod.lycos.com">http://tripod.lycos.com</a><!-- m -->) (hopefully I got the ubb code right this time) and use this tutorial to get started... tutorial (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://davesight.com/webstation.html">http://davesight.com/webstation.html</a><!-- m -->) basically just start with a text sight, and keep moving up. thats what I did. Any more questions, post on this thread!!<!--content-->Oh - wow, I went through he** with this myself but it's really easy. I do it all by hand which it sounds like you are doing, also - if I'm wrong I don't know if this will help, but I'll tell you how I do it and hopefully it will. You said you write them up in notepad, correct? Okay, great, that's what I do, too. Once you get your code all set, go to file, click "save as". Of course, you find where you want to save it - like my documents etc... For instance, I keep my web site file folder in my documents. So, I have to click the drop down arrow (if my documents isn't selected already), select "my documents", then I have a separate folder for my web site, so you then double click on that folder that you wish to place the HTML file into. Okay, if you followed my poor instucting so far, we might be in business..lol. Then, when the little screen comes up, look toward the bottom and make sure it says "All Files" under "Save as type". It usually comes up saying "Text Documents" - just click on the drop down arrow and it will say "All Files". Highlight that to change it to "All Files. That's important. Okay, when you have that all set, type in your page name like you said - whatever.html, then hit the enter key - this is where I screwed up all at first - I clicked save all the time. I hope I'm on the right track and this helps. I kept making two errors at first - I would forget to set "All Files" and I'd click "Save" instead of hitting the enter key. If there are other ways to do this, the experts here would know, but this has never failed me so I stick with whatever I found works! :)<br />
Good luck!<!--content-->Originally posted by leebennett <br />
I am at the extreme beginning of learning HTML from a book+disk. But already seem to have a simply problem?<br />
When i follow examples in book, by typing code into notepad, and save as .html file.<br />
Then as instructed, open my browser (IE5.5) and try to open said saved file..<br />
But i am getting the same error message all time, "file ***********.html has been disallowed" <br />
from windows..<br />
<br />
any help please ??? :-)<br />
as just on first few pages of book, and failed already, why is my IE not opening files??<br />
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thanks<br />
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lee bennett <br />
that is a odd error. <br />
I have never seen such an error. <br />
try this, why don't you go into your folder you saved you html file in and double click on it. this will open up your default browser, and hopefully your page.<br />
if it doesn't and gives you the same error, then post your code here and we'l look at it. <br />
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And Yes Jeni you were right on what you said. :D<br />
but I think when you are saving it you don't have to be in all files mode. if you type the extension (.html) after the name it will save it as that. well my notepad does anyway.<!--content-->actually I was thinking (I know that is scary isn't it :D)<br />
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anyway you might have a setting in your browser that is for security. what I am saying is that your security is set to high and you can't view anything, well you came here so it isn't anything :D<br />
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just a thought :)<!--content-->Hi Lee,<br />
I'll give it a try next time and see if it takes that way - I just know this works for me so I stick with it. The tutorial I have does say that about the "All Files" but I do realize that may not be mandatory so I'll see what happens next time if I don't set it to that.<br />
As for that error - never saw that before myself..sorry!<!--content-->Do you have $15 bucks? If so go to your local barns and Nobles an pick up HTML4, Elizabeth Castro, step by step Dam good book. <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.peachpit.com/books/catalog/69696.html">http://www.peachpit.com/books/catalog/69696.html</a><!-- m --><br />
i tried the computer disk and web resources at first, they don't work unless you have a basic feel. Best $15 I ever spent...<!--content-->Scoutt - thanks, works like a charm as I figured it would! Heck, one less detail to fool with- I'll take it! :) Thanks for the tip.<!--content-->:D<!--content-->maybe the file isn't saved in .html format. Like maybe you saved it as index.html.txt<br />
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anyways, try using a free html code editor, you can find heaps at <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.thefreesite.com/Webmaster_Freebies/Webmaster_freeware/index.html">http://www.thefreesite.com/Webmaster_Fr ... index.html</a><!-- m --><br />
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good luck and I hope you find a solution to your problem!<!--content-->