e-shop in PHP


Staff member
good morning all!
I've to implement an e-shop application based on MySQL and PHP.
The database is already builded.
I've a question to ask you all: In this app a generic user acceeds to product tables (and to buying possibility) after indentifying himself. The php program then shows the products list and , for each product, a "buy" button is shown with a textbox in which he must insert the quantity of THAT product he wants to buy.
I call the button buy[$i], and the textbox t[$i], where $i represents the product_id.
When the "buy" button is pressed, another php script is called which should be take $i and, according to its value, insert product_id ad related quantity into a temporary table.
The problem is that I can't pass the parameters to the second program, and they seems to be lost...
What can I do?
Thanx you all