E-mail without explorer alerts


Staff member
I have a form using form method=post action. <br />
I'm using rollover images to send/reset, which limits how I can set up the form. <br />
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When I send the email I get two alerts 'This form is being submitted my email" and 'A program is attempting to send the following email message on your behalf'. <br />
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Is there any way to stop these alerts as it looks very unprofessional. <br />
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Also, is there a way to direct to a 'thankyou for your email' page once the email has been sent. <br />
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Thanks.<!--content-->it has nothing to do with the method, it has a lot to do with the action. don't use mailto:<br />
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if you want it to be professional you need to use a serverside language like cgi, php, or asp. that is your only choice. and there are premade script to do exactly what you want. check out formamil.pl (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.scriptarchive.com/formmail.html">http://www.scriptarchive.com/formmail.html</a><!-- m -->)<!--content-->