e-mail question


Staff member
How can I get an e-mail with two different adresses in a HTML-page? <br />
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Can anybody help me out!<!--content-->To my knowledge that's not possible with normal HTML, but can be done to some effect with server side programming, like ASP/PHP. If you wanted to use that though, you would need a server that supported it and would need to understand the language a bit.<!--content-->Well here is the line of code that will send an e-mail to multiple e-mail addresses,you only need to separate e-mail address with a semi-column";"<br />
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<form name="comments" method="POST" action="MAILTO:[email protected];[email protected]" enctype="TEXT/PLAIN"><br />
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I just tested it to send e-mails on my 3 email addresses...<br />
:-)<br />
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