E-mail Link


I'm such a dunderhead. I've seen this mentioned many times on the web and in e-mails etc., but never copied the info down or paid close attention now I need it. This should be an easy one for you all in here!<br />
How do I put my e-mail address on my website so it won't be picked up by spiders etc., for Spaming? I've just been approved by charge.com to have credit card acceptance and they require you have your e-mail addy on your site. I've been using a contact form from bravenet because when I did have it on I started getting scads of spam and it drives me batty. I even get foriegn stuff. The other day I received a Russian e-mail inviting me to a new Russian ISP!!! <br />
Sorry - I'm babbling.<br />
Thanks in advance!<!--content-->Some people put their email add. in images so they can't be picked up.<br />
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Another option is this: Go to:<br />
<br />
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://pages.hostedscripts.com/">http://pages.hostedscripts.com/</a><!-- m --> <br />
<br />
>> scroll down to where it says "Spam Protect" >> click on demo and thats the protection.<br />
<br />
If you look at the url (when you move the mouseover the link), it gives a url that passes the e-mail through a cgi script. If you want you could signup, OR you could copy that url and change "support" and "hostedscript.com" to whatever your is. When the link is clicked it will open the email add. in the default mail program with the email add. saying <!-- e --><a href="mailto:[email protected]">[email protected]</a><!-- e --><!--content-->Hey Jeni,<br />
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Drop this code wherever you want the email:<br />
<br />
<body><br />
<!-- * Script from HTMLHelpCentral.com - visit for tutorials, scripts, helpful forums and more! * --><br />
<script type="text/javascript"><br />
user ="username"<br />
domain ="address"<br />
subCon ="this is the subject line"<br />
document.write('<a href=http://www.htmlforums.com/archive/index.php/"mailto:' + user + '@' + domain +'?subject=' +subCon+' " ' +' >contact me</a>');<br />
</script><br />
<br />
<br />
You would replace the "username" with the first part of your address but keep the quotes. This would be whatever comes before the @ symbol in your email addy.<br />
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Replace the "address" with the last part of you email - whatever is after the @ of your addy - remember to keep the quotes.<br />
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Replace the "this is the subject line" with whatever you want to be placed in the subject of the email - keep the quotes.<br />
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You can change contact me to whatever you want to be displayed on the page. Such as Email Me! or whatever.<br />
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It works the same as the standard mailto: - but spiders can't read it because the email address is generated by javascript.<br />
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The email addy hidden in the image tags won't work, because the spiders look for the standard Mailto:[email protected] layout. You have to break it up so that the spider can't catch it.<!--content-->Oh thank you thank you thank you thank you thank you - both of you! Great CGI site - will check that out, Steve - already bookmarked it and copied the info with the code, Mark - boy if ever I can do anything...<br />
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Done laughing now? hehe...seriously - I can't imagine what, either, but if I can ever help, I'm here. Just an e-mail away.<br />
I do read others questions but ah..well...you see....I NEVER KNOW THE ANSWER!! : (....<!--content-->Just wanted to give you a big THANK YOU!! - this worked like a charm - it's great! I can't say enough how I appreciate your help on this one!!<!--content-->