Dynamically loading Google map icons as the map is scrolled


New Member
I have a website with around half a million geocoded locations in a database. I want people to be able to search for these via a map. Obviously, that's far too many for a standard Google (or, for that matter, Bing) map display, even when using something like MarkerClusterer.What I want to do, therefore, is dynamically load the map data as people scroll around on the map so that there are never too many icons, or too much data, loaded at once. Here's an example of a site which already does something like this:http://www.globrix.com/property/buy/wr11 3dl?ns=true&rd=1&hits=10&br=buy&qt=wr11+3dl&keyword_field=Unfortunately, I'm not a skilled enough javascript programmer to reverse engineer that code! So I was hoping that there might be an open source project which I can use or adapt instead.I've mostly used Google maps in the past (and the site currently uses Google maps for small-area search), but I'd be equally happy with Bing if that's easier. The backend is all in PHP.Any suggestions?