Dynamically determining & setting DIV height & Y position


New Member
Q: Can you recommend a method on how to dynamically set the y position of a div to the same location (according to bottom edge) so that no matter how my div changes in height that it is always resting in the same postion.
For example: I have a dropdown (sliding div) which is used for a e-commerce cart.

Test location:
<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.toolsforeducation.com/new_design">http://www.toolsforeducation.com/new_design</a><!-- m -->

The contents of the cart (num of items) will be constantly changing and therefor I need to make sure that the bottom is always aligned to a certain y pos. Then when the view cart button is clicked (invoking the slide to function) that it slides down far enough so that the entire div is viewable.

I am using the initiate function to reset div position based on its height when page is first loaded. Then I have an open and close cart tab (divs) nested in the smCart div to open and close the cart.

The problem is when I do a getLayerHeight (using Lloyd's dynlib) it only seems to return the height setting and not the actual visible height.
There is also a div bg color bug in NS 6 & 7, so first view it in IE6.x
(Note: We have script on the page to redirect NS4.x & IE4.x users to upgrade their browsers, so we are not worried about those users).

Thanks in advance for your help.