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My entire website is programmed in ASP and I need to get a consensus on if/how this negatively impacts seo with google as compared to static pages.My gut feel is that static is better, but how much better?I've added keywords into the query strings and this seems to be helping with google but I'm not sure if this is a viable approach with other major engines. Here's an example: ... 0MAX%20PROThank you!ReidIt really depends on how you will use it..Large sites usually use dynamic pageswhile smaller sites use static pagesIn some factors, static pages are better than dynamic because of these reasons:static are simple pages made normally from plain html (and they can be seen by the spiders)dynamic pages usually use scripts that are not detectable/readable by search engine spidersdynamic :]Hey there,I disagree with what aira stated.The HTML that is generated from dynamic webpages is plain HTML just like static webpages. By the time this HTML is generated, spiders crawl it just like normal webpages.I have created tons of dynamic websites for clients. If you are going to make a dynamic website, keep your URL small and do not use session IDs in the strings. By the way, most search engines like to see keywords in the URLs. It does not matter if it is in the dynamic part. For instance, you can have something like.. baseball caps is a keyword phrase, that URL is going to do better in the search engines.Hope this helps.Sincerely,Travis [email protected]'s why i stated that dynamic pages usually have scripts (or programs that can't be read by spiders) and i did not say that i doesn't generate HTML. BTW here's an additional info regarding dynamic pages:The URL of the dynamic pages often contains symbols (i.e. '?' '%' '$' '&' or text 'cgi-bin') that could not read by the spiders after these symbols are used in query strings, however spiders now can detect and read few URL parameter containing it but having a hard time when there are too many parameters in URL. So it is suggested to make it shorter as possible.With dynamic pages (ASP, PHP, whatever) using mod_rewrite there will be absolutely no difference between static and "dynamic" pages. The crawler won't see anything but the generated HTML documents outputted and if using mod_rewrite the urls won't even have "?" etc. in them. However, of course, if you are using some kind of framework that outputs AJAX etc. stuff in addition to HTML, yes, crawlers would have a hard time with that.