dynamic URLs....<


Staff member
Hey guys I remember asking about this awhile
back, but looking back @ the topic I do not get it :(

1) How do I make dynamic URLs? i.e., index.php?id=name
2) Can you explain it in simple terms? not good @ advanced PHP :o


PS: Where's Scoutt been?
I didn't see him when I
posted a question awhile back :eek:never mind, I got it :D
Plus, I realize this isn't truly a "dynamic" url.Originally posted by Leonisknovo
PS: Where's Scoutt been?
I didn't see him when I
posted a question awhile back :eek:

since you got it I won't bother answering the question :) but as far as the ps...Scoutt has been really busy lately,he'll probably still be busy for the next few weeks.I suggest if your waiting for his responses specifically,you plan to wait a while...he has important things that require his attention at the moment.