dynamic URLs to static one


New Member
Hello All

I search to change by dynamic links to static and i found a result as "Use plug-in software that will change your existing dynamic URLs to static ones" is it true ?

Any one help me please What platform is your site on?
What exactly are you asking?
A little more specific question would be better. Search the plugins/extensions that are available for your CMS or check the CMS itself maybe it has a SEFurls option In my website it contain dynamic urls like http://www.example.com/hai?youwon123.html .Search engine will not crawl (?) question marks occur

How can i reduce this issue by using Plug in that's my quote CAn you please tell us what platform you use in your site?
Like it is wordpress , zoomla ,.............? i am not using any CMS . doing my project with .net There are tools available through which you can generate static url for url rewriting. You'll get more details on http://www.simple-talk.com/dotnet/asp.net/a-complete-url-rewriting-solution-for-asp.net-2.0/ Its better that you have static links BUT Google crawls and index websites with ? too if they found your website valuable. I have many example of these kinds of sites that have non search engine friendly URLs but are in Google index.
And making your links to static ones, can be different according to the script you are running on your website. If you used of a well known CMS on your site, making URLs search engines friendly was much easier than now. Because you need to give your script to some developers to work on it to change pages static ones to make them search engine friendly.