I'm rebuilding my site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.band-orde.nl">http://www.band-orde.nl</a><!-- m -->) to a tables and divs only site. So I stop using frames since there are some problems with using them.
Now I'm trying to build a page in wich you can read profiles of our band members. The way I used to do it is by using an include. I've got a txt file for each bandmember and depending on the querystring it includes a specific file.
My question is, how should I do this to optimize it for GOOGLE and such? Like I could make different pages for each bandmember where it links to, so you'll get something like: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.band-orde.nl/bandmember1.php">http://www.band-orde.nl/bandmember1.php</a><!-- m -->, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.band-orde.nl/bandmember2.php">http://www.band-orde.nl/bandmember2.php</a><!-- m --> etc. Or can I keep doing it with the include, or should I try something like in javascript replacing the text in a div by doing something like javascript: div.innerHTML(bandmemberprofile). The last option I can think of is using multiple DIVS and depending on the querystring or a javascript I set them to display: none or display: block. Something like that.
Wich would be the best for them search engines.
Another question is: I want people to be able to find me by using keywords as "band orde" and maybe the place or the bandmembers. But on my index I've got a newspage in wich I don't have a lot of text with orde, band, the place we live or our bandmembers names. Is there a way to get arround this or should I use and introduction page (maybe with auto redirect?).
I hope I didnt type to much and I hope I used understandable english, I'm not really good at it. Thank you very very much.
I'm rebuilding my site (<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.band-orde.nl">http://www.band-orde.nl</a><!-- m -->) to a tables and divs only site. So I stop using frames since there are some problems with using them.
Now I'm trying to build a page in wich you can read profiles of our band members. The way I used to do it is by using an include. I've got a txt file for each bandmember and depending on the querystring it includes a specific file.
My question is, how should I do this to optimize it for GOOGLE and such? Like I could make different pages for each bandmember where it links to, so you'll get something like: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.band-orde.nl/bandmember1.php">http://www.band-orde.nl/bandmember1.php</a><!-- m -->, <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.band-orde.nl/bandmember2.php">http://www.band-orde.nl/bandmember2.php</a><!-- m --> etc. Or can I keep doing it with the include, or should I try something like in javascript replacing the text in a div by doing something like javascript: div.innerHTML(bandmemberprofile). The last option I can think of is using multiple DIVS and depending on the querystring or a javascript I set them to display: none or display: block. Something like that.
Wich would be the best for them search engines.
Another question is: I want people to be able to find me by using keywords as "band orde" and maybe the place or the bandmembers. But on my index I've got a newspage in wich I don't have a lot of text with orde, band, the place we live or our bandmembers names. Is there a way to get arround this or should I use and introduction page (maybe with auto redirect?).
I hope I didnt type to much and I hope I used understandable english, I'm not really good at it. Thank you very very much.