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Are dynamic page perferred over static html pages with google?Thanks,FrankI don't think it matters. I've been successfull with both formats. It still comes down to content and links. I did read in a google faq that google will limit the number of dynamic pages because of risks of crashing the host server. Here is the link to the information that I read: more easierAfter reading a bit more, static would be easier. Just read this article and it spells it out pretty well. ... icle-3.phpwell what ave seen on the google is that most popular sites are dynamic. May be thats the reason of their popularity.......... have a nice day!Alihi frank, this is rudradatta thanking you for asking such a nice question.generally dynamic sites are the database driven sites. dynamic sites are having nothing in their source so when crawler visit the site to index it gets nothing from it.according to google you should make your site with minimum dynamic pages and more of static pages so that crawler can visite your site. but the dynamic sites are more beautiful and gives a professional look.for optimization point of veiw you should go for minimum dynamic pages and more of static pages.According to google bots have no trouble spidering url's with one variable. But URls wiith more than one could cause spider bots problems.I believe they said something like "keep variables small and few in URLs.."Frank,You already started a post on this topic and a few of us took the time to respond. know that even if Google can handle dynamic pages it is better to make them appear static if they are going to be. (IMO it would be better if there was just a simple static-content option for your "robots" meta tag). What I wonder is if it is necessary to use .html file extensions or is this completely superfluous? I have always tried to kill two elephants with one shotgun by using ModRewrite to give pages simple names like "articles/Article_Title" so people can remember if they need to type the URI directly and at the same time make search engines index the page as static content.RITZ wrote:meman wrote:Sorry guys... I did post this on another area of the site, but elaborated more on my problem there. I got the thumbs down on the dynamically randomized directory list. I think the traffic is amazing to them right now and they decided not to implement my changes. My personal feelings are that dynamic content and randomized links would be a benefit as others have said it freshens the content but more than than it gives the guys that were at the bottom of the list some top billing. The list of links never change only there relative position on the page. Frank