Ok, so I can output hypertext links really easy using the server control - ASP:HyperLink. Nice. But how do I output hyperlinks if I want to manipulate the hyperlink before its outputted?<BR><BR>I am creating dynamic hyperlinks from a database (in vb), so as a work-around I have looped all records and stored them in a variable then bound the variable to an ASP:label control. This works, but is VERY slow on performance.<BR><BR>Anybody?<BR><BR>Cheers<BR><BR>Dave<BR>You could create a datagrid and use an Itemtemplate.<BR>Then on the onItemDataBound procedure set the navigateurl property to the value you want.Not sure if this is any help but once you create a hyperlink webcontrol you can change any of the properties on it in your code so if you have<BR><BR><asp:HyperLink id="myLink" NavigateUrl="www.mypage.com" /><BR><BR>you could do stuff like<BR>myLink.NavigateUrl = "www.mysecondpage.com" />But what if I wanted to loop all links in the database and display half of the hyperlinks using: www.mydomain.com/page.aspx?var1=1&var2=2<BR><BR>And the other half as:<BR><BR>www.mydomain.com/page1.aspx?diffvar1=1&diffvar2=2<BR><BR>Using standard asp, I could output these different hyperlinks on the fly. But how is this possible using server controls??<BR><BR>I don't want to use a gridcontrol as I don't want to use a table.<BR><BR>Any ideas?<BR><BR>Cheers<BR><BR>DaveYou could easily do it all in code and then output the results to a label:<BR>(pseudocode)<BR>strOut = String<BR>dr = sqldatareader<BR>WHILE dr.Read()<BR>'set string values<BR>IF dr.Item("f3") = "mode1" THEN<BR>strOut += "<A href=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/mydomain.aspx?var1=" & dr.Item("f1")& "&var2=" & dr.Item("f2") & ">" & dr.Item("f4") & "</A><BR>"<BR>ELSE<BR>strOut += "<A href=mydomain.aspx?difvar1=" & dr.Item("f1")& "&difvar2=" & dr.Item("f2") & ">" & dr.Item("f4") & "</A><BR>"<BR>END IF<BR>END WHILE<BR>dr.Close()<BR>'set string to Text of label<BR>lblLinks.Text = strOut<BR>