Dynamic Facebook Button “Like” on products page


New Member
I recently made ??a website where the client requested the Like button on every product(Shoes).How were few products, i've made ??by hand, one page for each one containing data from facebook as well:on each product i has this:\[code\]<div class="fb-like" data-href="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/15915301/catalogo/ref_1402.html" data-send="false" data-layout="button_count" data-width="85" data-show-faces="false" data-font="segoe ui"></div>\[/code\]and on the page that was referenced in the \[code\]data-href\[/code\] above (page containing the data to be shared on facebook) i've insert the following code:\[code\]<!doctype html><html xmlns:fb="http://www.facebook.com/2008/fbml" xmlns:og="http://opengraph.org/schema/"><head><title>Cal?ados - Ref.: 1402</title><meta property="og:title" content="Cal?ados - Ref.: 1402" /><meta property="og:type" content="product" /><meta property="og:url" content="http://www.nomedosite.com.br/" /><meta property="og:image" content="http://www.nomedosite.com.br/produtos/1402_5122_Marrom_montila.jpg" /><meta property="og:site_name" content="Cal?ados" /><meta property="fb:app_id" content="359164080773706" /><meta http-equiv="refresh" content="0;url=http://www.nomedosite.com.br/catalogo.html"></head><body></body></html>\[/code\]But now the number of products has increased and became unfeasible to do it manually.I'm programming the site in ASP and would like to know how to do this dynamically ...any ideas?