Dynamic Cell Width Problems


Staff member
Hi,<br />
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I have a problem with a table I am creating. I would like to have a table which is 100% of the width of the browser with three cells in it. The two end cells would be a fixed size and the center would be dynamic i.e.------------------------------------------<br />
| 1 | 2 | 3 |<br />
------------------------------------------<br />
or<br />
-----------------------------------------------------------------<br />
| 1 | 2 | 3 |<br />
-----------------------------------------------------------------Setting the 1st and 3rd td cells at a specific width and placing a graphic in them at the exact same size whilst leaving the width off the 2nd (with a graphic in it) seems to work perfectly in IE, but not in NN. In NN the two end cells grow slightly which is not what I need. Same problem in Netscape 6 and Opera.<br />
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Does anyone know how to definitively 'lock' the two end cell sizes?<br />
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Any help would be very much appreciated.<br />
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theUKdude<!--content-->I've managed to fix it by adding 'width="100%"' to the center td tag. Not strictly a good idea to mix pixel and percentage sizes within a table, but it seems to work.<br />
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Thanks anyway.<br />
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