Duplicate content


New Member
Our site deals with hotels and most of the descriptions on these hotel pages of ours are from the hotels themselves. In other words their official promotional content. The information is accurate and in most cases pretty good english. Would we get penalized by goggle for duplicate content? Should we rather take the time to edit all the descriptions and ensure uniquely written descriptions? There aren't any copyrights on most of these articles. The other side is that I'm sure many of our competitors are using the same details and there might be Dup. content with them. So far it hasn't yet happened but I'd rather avoid it early. Anyone with past experience with this? ThanksFirst off why do you say there aren't any copyrights? Since 1989 copyrights are assumed in most nations (Berne copyright convention) and just because they don't explicitly say ?SomeCompany doesn't mean there are not any copyrights on it. Please read this for more information as it explains the 10 biggest myths with copyrights:http://www.templetons.com/brad/copymyths.htmlAs far as with Google it would definetly help if the content was actually more unique as it is very possible your website could/would be excluded due to duplication filtering.hii changed my sites from htm to php, now my sites are double of course.google displays the GD content in results of my index. does that change when the htm sites are lost?2nd:http://www.manino.at and index.php are now listed ... why?thks 4 answergoogle nor any other search engine can know that http://www.something.com and index.php are the same page. so if you have some links pointing to http://www.something.com and some pointing to http://www.something.com/index.php google will list them seperatelyit is always best to make sure your incoming links use either one or the other not both.Thanks I'll read it now. The info they make available is there for this purpose - to promote their hotel and not their site. But what about our competitors?if your competitors simply do the same as you and quote the brochures verbatim, you will most probably be marked down as duplicate sites. I believe google goes one step further and tries to discern if both sites are owned by the same person or company, they can do this by checking IP addresses and seeing if they come from the same server farm and whois records to see if they have the same registered owner.The best bet is to differentiate yourself from the pack by adding extra and unique content.Thanks just read it, so pretty much stuffed in that sense. So guess that all descriptions of any nature should be rewritten.If I have a passage written by someone and edit the text so the subject is still the same but most of the wording is different, to what extend does it need to differ from the original passage?I think 15% is the benchmarkThen I think that we're in the clear. Just hope that our competitors stop copying our descriptions.Is there a tool to search out a passage on the net? I think goggle only allow 35 characters. Know of a better way to check?I have often though that it would be good to create a copyright tracking spider.But as yet I haven't done it But now that i think about it it wouldnt be that hard to implement, Hmmm maybe my next projectHow far would you take it though? Extact wording, similar wording or positioning of sentences. I can only imagine how tough that would be. Have you not heard of a tool that's already available?No I havent heard of one, but if there was it would be expensive. and possibly prone to error, so in the end it would simply flag suspect pages.Its easy if its only a few words but if its a book, thats a different matterActually the limit is 32 "WORDS"If you try to put a larger phrase you will receive the following message...Quote:rtchar - Do you know a better way to check duplicate content?Depends on what you are looking for ...There is a similar page checker to compare two known pages here:http://www.webconfs.com/similar-page-checker.phpAs for the copyright tracking spider also discussed in this thread ... I have seen one used for tracking graphics files. The software added some kind of watermark to the file ... and their spider crawls the Internet searcihng for their watermark.Searching for words is a different matter. Google has the ability to "fingerprint" a page --- but I don't know if the technology can be scaled to paragraphs or phrases.