Duplicate Contact Conflict ...


New Member

I want to review a product which has few models like X1ABC, X2ABC, X3ABC.
Now all the 3 models are the same product with just a different feature (like color for example).
My conflict how to post my review so I get the maximum exposure and SEO juice from Google:
1) Either 3 posts of "X1ABC Review", "X2ABC Review" and "X3ABC Review".
In this case all 3 posts have different URL but 99% identical content.
This is the best for SEO but Google can define them as "duplicate" or even "spam".
2) Create 1 post and title it: "X1ABC, X2ABC & X3ABC Review". and in post to refer to just one of them "X1ABC" for example.
In this case I lost a lot of SEO juice but at least it just one post and no duplicate issues.

So ... what should I do ? If prospects visit one site with many choices....bingo..pick one....

Single site...easier to SEO one than 3 at a time...... I don't think you got my quesiton. Yeah I did..
Better to SEO an ABC site and become an authority on ABC...

If you plan to SEO three separate sites at the same time.....
That is a lot of work....
Hard enough to do one really well.....
))))) no you didnt got me yet

Anyway I opened a thread on Google's forum, maybe you can understand from what I wrote there:
http://www.google.com/support/forum/p/Webmasters/thread?fid=4783be514b75cc430004a8a39fc63920&hl=en OK...some of those answers are way off base,,

Anyway...I still say one site....All the difficulties that the other site pointed out are not that hard to overcome....

Better than SEO on three different sites...IMO... While reviewing products on your website, you can't do much about its content.
If I have to publish something like this on my website I would shuffle the features for all the three cases.
I will not make a huge difference but you won't get caught in duplicate content filter. You said "like color" so the relevance of what I say must be determined by you as to how similar. I would do one review of the product but but sure to mention the alternate model numbers by name/number more than once in the article. I would also take the time to