DTD to Relational Scheme


New Member
OK I am lazy as they get. I have my COM builder that will generate all myVB COM code based my tables. Now I want to back up a step. How can I getsomething to generate the tables for me?I want to generate my tables using a DTD as my source. The reasons for thishave less to do with XML and have more to do with speed, laziness, and moregolf time.One of my new clients wants a new web site to include an entire managementsystem for their busines. The task is within my abilities but I am loathto hand generate all the tables required in an industry I am not familiarwith. The client is only of limited utility in these situations becausethey know their business but the usually arn't DBA's. However the DTD'sthat I found at hr-xml.org are a wealth of information!I am in the process of writting a VB app to turn that information into tabledefinitions. If anyone knows of an existing app please let me know so thatI can work on my swing.ThanksDave