Drupal: Inserting fivestar widget in an external php file


New Member
I have been trying to load fivestar module and show the rating widget of the selected node in an external php file. I have gotten the rating widget displayed on the page but it only displays degraded version of the widget (non-JavaScript, dropdown widget and "Rate" button) I looked into the source code of the page but the javascript for fivestar module was not loaded. I have tried to load javascript using following functions but had no luck:fivestar_add_js();$path = drupal_get_path('module','fivestar');drupal_add_js($path.'/js/fivestar.js', 'inline', 'footer');The following is the code in the php file:\[code\] //require the bootstrap include require_once 'includes/bootstrap.inc'; //Load Drupal drupal_bootstrap(DRUPAL_BOOTSTRAP_FULL); fivestar_add_css(); // I have used one of the following two functions one at a time to test. fivestar_add_js(); $path = drupal_get_path('module','fivestar'); drupal_add_js($path.'/js/fivestar.js', 'inline', 'footer'); $book = $_GET["book"]; $chap = $_GET["chap"]; $prob = $_GET["prob"]; $string = $book.'/'.$chap.'/'.$prob; $query = "SELECT ctcr.nid FROM content_type_comments_ratings AS ctcr WHERE ctcr.field_problem_valuehttp://stackoverflow.com/questions/3796483/= '".$string."'"; $result=db_query($query); $row = db_fetch_array($result); if(isset($row['nid'])) { $nid = $row['nid']; node_load(FALSE, NULL, TRUE); $fivestar = node_load($nid, NULL, TRUE); if (function_exists('fivestar_widget_form')) print fivestar_widget_form($fivestar); }\[/code\]If you could give me a hint or direct me to some reading on the web, I would appreciate it. Thank you very much in advance.