Dropped on Google search? Now you see it, now you don't


New Member
My site is ranked fairly high on Yahoo search and MSN search for certain key words, yet on Google we are not where to be seen (although pages are indexed). Can anyone comment on why this may have happened; months ago, when I typed in a keyword phrase, we would show up fairly high on google search, but something happened, and now we are none existent. Bizzarre and frustrating.I have the same problem... ranked great on the other engines... crap on google... I ran an automated checker on my domain and found out it actually is there for some things, just WAYYYYYY down further than most standard checkers will even get to. If you think you're not there you probably are but are just so far down you can never be found What to do to fix the situation? If you find out let me know!!!! My only site that ranks well on google has quite a few good backlinks and a lot of content... i'm focusing on more related content along with more quality links being the key to getting ranked highly. Only problem is some sites are more appropriate for more content (informational sites like the one I have that's ranked highly) and others (like my business ones) less so. I'd tell you my latest trick i'm working on for google/content but a) i gotta wait to see if it works like i think it will and b) i'd have to kill you I can get. Anyways, thanks for your informative reply. I was ranked fairly high on google before, but just not sure what happened to take us down to helll on google search.How long have you lost this positioning? I track a few hundred words in Google for a few dozen sites and can tell you that you will see losses to keywords for a few days and weeks at times, but they always seem to come back, in my experience anyway...and as long as you didn't make any huge changes to the site.Some of my sites dropped in Google hits MSN went up though.