dropout menu layout


Hey I have a dropout menu that is dynamically created by a javascript. To get the idea of you can check this site I an workng on out :http://www.fieschi.dk<br />
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Well - here is my question- I would like i a smart way to make the shape of the dropout menu similar to the shape of the main menu. I don't know how it would be smartest, the is though that I would like the grafics to be in the background so that I can still generate the text in the dropoutmenu dinamycally.<br />
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I anyone would like to take a look at the site, you will be able to find the script that generates the content of the dropoutmenu here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fieschi.dk/menu_content.js">http://www.fieschi.dk/menu_content.js</a><!-- m --><br />
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The script that generates the menu here <br />
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and the script the preloades all the mouseover pictures and all my other function here <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fieschi.dk/script.js">http://www.fieschi.dk/script.js</a><!-- m --><br />
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The location of my stylesheet is <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fieschi.dk/styles.css">http://www.fieschi.dk/styles.css</a><!-- m --><br />
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Hope that someone will take the time to look into my problem (eventhough that I know that it is rather conplex)<br />
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asbjoern<br />
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<!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.fieschi.dk/mm_menu.js">http://www.fieschi.dk/mm_menu.js</a><!-- m --><!--content-->i tried looking at your scripts and stylesheets, but you js files are in part english part whatever and it gets realyl confusing :confused:<!--content-->you can always just use a css bg image attribute or something. And position image within those divs.<!--content-->sorry I din't think of that (it is in danish) well anyway the styles in the css are in danish (all those that are not redifinition that is) but in my .js files it is only the coments that are in danish. I still apriciate that you (96turnerri) took time to look at the site.<br />
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My quistion is still the same, so if anyone have a solution or some more specifik hint I would be happy.<br />
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