I have trouble making those work. If i want to access the selected value of the item, it's always returning me 1 (the first item of the list). And the list "don't remember what was the selected value", and always select the first when after a post, but EnableViewState is true.<BR><BR>Here is the code :<BR><BR>The code in the html page for the two controls :<BR><BR><BR>--------------------------------<BR><BR><asp:dropdownlist id="lstLangage" runat="server" DataTextField="Description" DataValueField="IdLangage"></asp:dropdownlist><BR><BR><asp:dropdownlist id="lstTypeCode" runat="server" DataTextField="Description" DataValueField="IdTypeCode"></asp:dropdownlist><BR><BR>-----------------------<BR><BR>(enable view stat is ON by default)<BR><BR><BR>Here is the code for the OnPageLoad, this is connecting the listbox with data in a DB (this part is working).<BR><BR>---------------------------------<BR><BR>dbConnection.connect<BR>dbConnection.requete = "Select * FROM Langage"<BR>objOdbConnection = dbConnection.execRequete <BR>lstLangage.DataSource = objOdbConnection.ExecuteReader(CommandBehavior.Seq uentialAccess)<BR>lstLangage.DataBind<BR>------------------------------<BR><BR>And i'm doing the same thing for the other list box (lstTypeCode)<BR><BR><BR><BR>I have 2 imports for the conrols, in my "code behind" page :<BR><BR>-----------------------<BR><BR>Protected WithEvents lstLangage As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList<BR><BR>Protected WithEvents lstTypeCode As System.Web.UI.WebControls.DropDownList<BR><BR>------------------------<BR><BR><BR>And here is the code for the "on click submit button" :<BR><BR>----------------------<BR><BR>if lstTypeCode.SelectedIndex <> -1 then<BR> trace.write lstTypeCode.SelectedItem.Value<BR>end if<BR> <BR>if lstLangage.SelectedIndex <> -1 then<BR> trace.write lstLangage.SelectedItem.Value<BR>End If<BR><BR>------------------------------------<BR><BR>The problem is that the EnableViewState do not work and in the trace.write, i'm always getting the value of the first item in the list. Any idea?try:<BR>trace.write("lstTypeCode Value", lstTypeCode.Items(lstTypeCode.SelectedIndex).Value )I just forgot to check if IsPostBack = false before binding info to my combo boxes. So each time the page is loading, it was rebinding info, that's why the view state and the selected index were not working. <BR><BR>Sorry for you time chris.. :|