okay, i'm editing some records in a datagrid.<BR>i have field1 and field2 set to show options in a dropdownlist during the edit mode via edititemtemplates. i want field2 to display options based on the selected item of field1. since the DDL are only there during edit mode, i can't call the control.<BR>i'm using a dataview to bind the datasource and the problem is that i can't seem to refresh the dataview<BR><BR>drd.fill(ds, "pl")<BR>'create a blank row in the table<BR>dtPL = ds.Tables("pl")<BR>drPL = dtPL.NewRow <BR>drPL("id") = 0<BR>drPL("line") = ""<BR>dtPL.Rows.Add(drPL) <BR>tempDataView2 = ds.Tables("pl").DefaultView<BR>con.close()<BR><BR><BR><asp
ropDownList selectedIndex='<%# getINDEX_PL(container.dataitem("Product Line"))%>' DataSource="<%#tempdataview2%>" DataValueField="id" DataTextField="line" id="editPL" AutoPostBack="false" runat="server"></asp
ropDownList><BR><BR>any ideas?Try making the DDL a jump menu listrtinstead and have it jump the user to another page with a DDL depending on the link the user selected