I have the following mark-up:\[code\]<aspropDownList ID="ddlTownships" DataTextField="Name" AutoPostBack="True" AppendDataBoundItems="True" DataValueField="Id" runat="server" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlTownships_SelectedIndexChanged"> <asp:ListItem Value="http://stackoverflow.com/questions/13789680/0" Text="Please select a township"></asp:ListItem> </aspropDownList>\[/code\]and this is the code behind:\[code\]protected void ddlRegions_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { var townshipDAO = (TownshipDAO)FactoryDAO.getInstance().getDAOByType(DAOEnum.Township); ddlTownships.DataSource = townshipDAO.getAllTownshipsByRegionId(Int64.Parse(ddlRegions.SelectedValue)); ddlTownships.DataBind(); liTownships.Visible = true; liSettlements.Visible = false; divPhasesConsole.Visible = false; liNumberOfStands.Visible = false; divFirstDelimiter.Visible = false; }\[/code\]Basically whenever a user selects an item from the ddlRegion, I get all townships with the regionId selected and repopulate the dropdownlist. However the ddlTownships remembers the previously selected townships with different regions. Note that I have the property AppendDataBoundItems="True" because that was the only way I could add a list item that says "Please select a township". How can I leave the listitem defined in the mark-up and prevent the previous items from showing up after the ddl is repopulated.Thanks for your time.