Dropdown with HTML String


New Member
I am trying to generate a dropdown in ASP.Net Page. Dropdown is getting generated by the datasource.<BR><BR> Department.DataSource = StaffClass.GetDepartment<BR> Department.DataTextField = "fldDepartment"<BR> Department.DataValueField = "fldDepartmentID"<BR> Department.DataBind()<BR><BR>This is all good except my "fldDepartment" field in the database is HTML String and I am not getting an encoded string. SO I see in my Dropdown is "Relocation Central<sup>?</sup>"..<BR><BR>Help Please......Thanks everyone in Advance for helping me out.<BR>There is very little that you can do with dropdownlists when it comes to formatting. There is even less than that if you want it to be supported cross browser.<BR><BR>I doubt you will be able to do what you are attempting. If you REALLY need the (r), The closest you can come is to use<BR><option value=http://aspmessageboard.com/archive/index.php/"???">Relocation Central &reg;</option>You will probably have to go through your datasource before it gets bound and do some string manipulation to remove html formating.