I am trying to populate a dropdown box with 2 date variables called todaydate and tomdate. First it will show "-choose-", followed by todays's date and then tomorrow's date.
The selected date needs to be validated by my hidden function called Validate. This I can do, but I can't figure out the syntax for the dates. Following is another dropdown box which you can make the changes to so I can see the proper syntax.
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-display-name="Choose" b-disallow-first-item="TRUE" --><Select Name="pudeliv">
<option name="--choose--" value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"-choose-" <% if pudeliv = "-choose-" then response.write "selected" end if%>>-choose-</option>
<option name=Pickup" value="Pickup" <% if pudeliv = "pickup" then response.write "selected" end if %>>Pickup</option>
<option name="Delivery" value="Delivery" <% if pudeliv = "Delivery" then response.write "selected" end if %>>Delivery</option>
Thanks for your help.
The selected date needs to be validated by my hidden function called Validate. This I can do, but I can't figure out the syntax for the dates. Following is another dropdown box which you can make the changes to so I can see the proper syntax.
<!--webbot bot="Validation" s-display-name="Choose" b-disallow-first-item="TRUE" --><Select Name="pudeliv">
<option name="--choose--" value=http://www.webdeveloper.com/forum/archive/index.php/"-choose-" <% if pudeliv = "-choose-" then response.write "selected" end if%>>-choose-</option>
<option name=Pickup" value="Pickup" <% if pudeliv = "pickup" then response.write "selected" end if %>>Pickup</option>
<option name="Delivery" value="Delivery" <% if pudeliv = "Delivery" then response.write "selected" end if %>>Delivery</option>
Thanks for your help.