drop down navigation


how do i make drop down navigation like the simple one's found on the top right of microsoft.com ?<br />
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look forward to any help.<br />
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thank you kindly<br />
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will<!--content-->Menus like that are most likely made using div's and layers. If you are interested in doing something along this line, send word, and I can write a description of how I used div's on my site to get menus to appear and disappear. <br />
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Matt<!--content-->or you can grab some already made, cross browser friendly ones at <!-- w --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.dhtmlcentral.com">www.dhtmlcentral.com</a><!-- w --><!--content-->It's much more fun to make your own though, isn't it?? :moonie:<!--content-->or when you're in a rush and you don't tell your mates .....<!--content-->I know just joking...thank god for free scripts...they have helped me numerous times.<!--content-->