drop down messages


Staff member
Well I need help again. At first I thought i needed to add an onclick or onchange command but I've come to learn that the script should work as is. What I did was paste the script into my page and I then edited the options and the contents to say what I wanted it to say. And therein lies my problem. Evidently I either omitted sometihing or added something that is keeping the function from working. I've attached the original script. Now I changed the options and contents before I pasted it into the page. Does that make a difference. Anyway, I've attached both the original script and the version of it I pasted into my page. perhaps someone could take a look and help me out. Anyone seen Pyro?<!--content-->opps! hereis the other file.<!--content-->Here:<br />
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type it over again.<!--content-->thanks, but I still don't see why it didn't work when I did it. I see you cleaned up some of the syntaxtical errors generated by the editor I'm using. Well, once I'm done you can take a look at my page: <!-- m --><a class="postlink" href="http://www.geocities.com/lalicorne1_2000">http://www.geocities.com/lalicorne1_2000</a><!-- m -->. />
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At the moment, it's just a page I had some students help me create using HotPotatoes when I was teaching part time at Kent State. I should have the new site up by the weekend. Thanks a lot.:cool:<!--content-->